Cannes Lions


TRAFFIK, Sydney / SAMSUNG / 2015


1 Silver Cannes Lions
2 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Presentation Image
Supporting Images






In Australian sports stadiums, brand sponsorship is expensive, tightly controlled and restricted to specific in-stadia placements. Moreover, it's unimaginative as brands simply display their logo as large as possible in the hope it will cut through to broadcast TV audiences.

Between the restrictions placed on brands by broadcast networks at international sports tournaments, and those put in place by the Australia Rugby Union – the sport's governing body – there's little opportunity for brands to stand out from their competitors. This is why brands continue to place their logo as large as possible – a practice that has remained unchanged on a global basis for more than 50 years.

For Samsung, sports fans are a huge market, especially regarding their HDTV range, hence their sponsorship of the Wallabies – Australia's National Rugby Team. Yet, as a brand that offered genuinely game-changing TV technology, leveraging standard in-stadium placements wasn't getting their message of innovation across.

Our task was to find a means of addressing the myriad of restrictions, whilst ensuring Samsung's 'innovation' message clearly cut through to broadcast and live audiences.



At its core, the Samsung SlideLiner campaign featured a branded, live sports viewing experience offering fans a level of immersion never before achieved as a means of tangibly communicating Samsung's game-changing TV technology, and brand position as ‘innovators’.

In Australian sports stadiums, brand sponsorship is expensive, tightly controlled and restricted to specific in-stadia placements. Moreover, it's unimaginative as brands simply display their logo as large as possible in the hope it will cut through to broadcast TV audiences.

Between the restrictions placed on brands by broadcast networks at international sports tournaments, and those put in place by the Australia Rugby Union – the sport's governing body – there's little opportunity for brands to stand out from their competitors. This is why brands continue to place their logo as large as possible – a practice that has remained unchanged on a global basis for more than 50 years.

For Samsung, sports fans are a huge market, especially regarding their HDTV range, hence their sponsorship of the Wallabies – Australia's National Rugby Team. Yet, as a brand that offers genuinely game-changing TV technology, leveraging standard in-stadium placements wasn't getting their message of innovation across.

It was our task to find a means of addressing the myriad of restrictions, whilst ensuring Samsung's 'innovation' message clearly cut through to broadcast and live audiences.

The Campaign


Create awareness amongst sports fans around Samsung’s brand position as innovators; producers of game-changing, technologically advanced products, focussing on their Curved HDTV range.


Although Samsung’s immersive Curved HDTVs are a game-changing innovation, people aren’t emotionally engaged with the TV category due to the saturation in messaging around innovation.


Leverage Samsung’s sponsorship of the Australian National Rugby Team, in order to get Australians to take notice of Samsung’s game-changing technology, focusing on their Curved HDTV range.


Samsung SlideLiner: an innovative, live sports viewing experience that enabled fans to remain exactly where they want at all times – immersed in the heart of the action.

As a 4-person ‘couch’ mounted on an 80m track next to the sideline, Samsung SlideLiner enabled participants to slide in-line with the game play, simulating the immersive experience of watching it on a Samsung Curved HDTV, whilst demonstrating Samsung’s innovation credentials, live.

Activating at high profile international games against the South African Springboks and New Zealand All Blacks at Australia’s premiere stadiums, SlideLiner was equipped with built-in tablets, enabling users to control onboard cameras, and share content to social channels, creating unique 'couch cam' viewpoints and fan-based commentary.

SlideLiner was supported with a fully integrated campaign. Initiated with earned media strategy generated by partnering with social media editors and global media, audiences were directed to a digital hub that showcased Samsung’s innovative Curved HDTV range, and highlighted a national retail promotion enabling fans to win SlideLiner seats. This was further reinforced through traditional advertising across TV and digital channels featuring Australian rugby legend Nathan Sharpe.

Experientially, a replica SlideLiner toured the country enabling fans and media personalities to experience it first hand. Plus, get film of them doing so stitched into the TVC, so they could share to social.

Sports fans’ #1 goal is to get as close as possible to the action. SlideLiner did this in a simple, innovative way, so was easily 'understood' and talked about.

It was picked up by international sports press, featured on blogs, social feeds, and promoted by sports/media personalities.

Also, because SlideLiner followed the game play it remained in shot of broadcast cameras, ensuring Samsung remained exposed to a global audience of millions, at every moment, in every match.

For the live stadium audience it was impossible to ignore the undisputed and highly innovative ‘best seat in the house’, courtesy of Samsung.


• Samsung SlideLiner campaign generated a 3854% return on investment.

• 50%+ of total UHDTV sales to date were generated during the campaign period.

• It delivered a 6% increase in TV volume share and a 2% increase in value share in a declining TV market.

• It generated $101million in earned media.

• Gained coverage in 105 Countries.

• The content piece was viewed over 3.4 Million times.

• Facebook activity delivered Samsung’s highest ever click-through-rate of 2.3%

• Ensured Samsung retained its position as Australia’s No 1 most preferred television brand.


• Samsung SlideLiner campaign generated a 3854% return on investment.

• 50%+ of total UHDTV sales to date were generated during the campaign period.

• It delivered a 6% increase in TV volume share and a 2% increase in value share in a declining TV market.

• Samsung SlideLiner followed the action, so therefore remained in full view of broadcast cameras, reaching global audiences in the millions

• Overall it generated over $101million in earned media.

• Gained coverage in 105 Countries.

• Facebook activity delivered Samsung’s highest ever click-through-rate of 2.3%

• Ensured Samsung retained its position as Australia’s No 1 most preferred television brand.

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