Cannes Lions

Save and Learn


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Colombia is one of the countries with the worst proficiency of the English language and for a Colombian being able to access English classes or a good learning book is very expensive.

We are the most important and biggest retail of the country, and we know besides everything, Colombians love to save. This is why for years we have communicated our discounts through printed catalogs, and yes, even in 2021 people continue to prefer them because it´s the traditional medium that reaches almost all homes in the country and in which there are promotional items of all categories: home, food, technology, insurance, travel, among many others, making it the printed publication with the largest number of products available on the market.


We turn our promotional catalogs into our costumer’s first free basic English lesson.

To make it happen, we translated more than 300 products in each catalog, almost 4,000 new words in English to learn. In every edition people could find new words and new practice exercises, and so while they save money, they also learn a new language.


Understanding we had one of the largest free broadcast media in the country, we wanted to add value to it by bringing people not only money savings but also knowledge.

We turn a medium as traditional as a catalog into a learning and study tool for the lowest income audience in Colombia, solving one of the oldest social problems: the lack of English proficiency.

In addition, taking into account that a catalog´s life always ends up in the trash, we found a way to give it a more useful second use where people must collect them to complete levels with the practice sheets, which makes the brand more present in people´s day to day and not only when the fridge is empty.


We translated more than 300 words in each catalog and turned them into a basic English lesson of vocabulary, pronunciation and practical exercises on the last page to accompany people month by month with their learning.

We launched the first copies in our 338 stores around the country, 140,000 impressions per month, we send some of them to our client’s homes and, understanding that social networks are an important point of contact, we promote and reinforce the new version of the catalogs to invite people to find them in stores and even digital.

To achieve this, we launched some of our day-to-day content in English and when people started talking, we released the initiative in different formats that translated different promotions for customers.

At the end, we invited people collect the practice sheets from each catalog and be able to participate and win an English course at the British Collage.


50 million pages printed per year.

140.000 catalogs every month.

Present in 338 stores around Colombia.

Distributed in 63 cities of the country.

200.000 digital views reached.

Sold out in all our stores.

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