Cannes Lions


MEDIACOM, Buenos Aires / VOLKSWAGEN / 2011

Presentation Image






That is how IM MY OWN BOSS was created, it’s a segment in which the owners of the SMEs called to share their fun anecdotes from when they started back in the days.

The story that had more votes in one month, VW Saverio would award the winner 1000 seconds to promote their SMEs and also the production of a radio spot.In other to do all this we had to make a deal with El Exprimidor’s radio host, Ari Paluch, due to his audience matched our target.


A lot of anecdotes were posted on the radio station's website, 8 were chosen to air and share their experience with the rest of the audience who voted for their favourite one (more than 1.000 radio votes) We finally had a winner, to whom VW produced 2 radio spots that aired for a whole month in El Exprimidor.

Saverio’s growth was influenced by this in a 45% of its sales (in comparison to the last year)

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