Cannes Lions

Saving Sawyer

AMAZON, Seattle / AMAZON / 2023

Presentation Image
Case Film






The brief asked for a Super Bowl execution that would help garner brand love. Realizing that the Super Bowl would likely be filled with celebrity endorsements and huge productions, the decision was made to create a film that went against the expected. A relatable story, well told, with heart. Our company’s long-standing love of dogs (over 10,000 registered office dogs and donations to the ASPCA totaling more than $15 million), made the subject matter a perfect fit for our brand.


A beloved family dog goes through separation anxiety when his family returns to work and school after the pandemic. At their wit’s end with his misbehaving, the family turns to Amazon for some help. They purchase a dog crate. At first it seems like the family’s dog will be confined to a crate all day for his misbehaving ways. But the family reveals that the crate was to being used to bring home a friend, for their friend.


Our strategy was to let consumers see our more human side. They were well aware of our efficiency, but not so much with the softere, more caring side. A side which aids in creating brand love. In the end, our strategy fell in line with who we really are…dog people. We boast over 10,000 registered office dogs, have donated millions to the ASPCA, and continue to support pets everywhere. So, showing our heart to consumers was first and foremost. Our target audience was broad. Which made launching on the Super Bowl ideal.


This execution focuses on the very real problem of people dealing with their “pandemic puppies” post pandemic. Launching this film to 100 million consumers watching the Super Bowl, not only effected the reach, but also the scale of our results.


Business impact

- 34% increase in site traffic for pet-related products

- Multiple Top Five rankings on Super Bowl Ad Meters, including #1 on AdAge

- 100% increase in positive consumer sentiment over the year prior

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