Cannes Lions

Say it With a Jingle


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As other origins increase seasonal availability, our client wanted to remind people that Avocados From Mexico is the avocado brand that makes everything better - with one creative requirement – leverage our jingle.

We combined the two asks and actually let the tune of the Avocados From Mexico jingle help make even bad news better.

We took situations where someone is forced to break bad news. But, instead of just giving it to someone straight, they “Say it with the jingle” because Avocados From Mexico makes everything better. Sure enough, even hard to swallow news goes down easy when it's sung with a jingle – and there’s delicious guacamole from Avocados From Mexico.

Our objective was to improve brand recall and association with our message that Avocados From Mexico make everything better.


Friday night lights in the U.S. means one thing - it’s time for American high school football. There’s tension in the air, but the head coach needs to make one last-minute adjustment and calls his starting quarterback over to deliver some big news.

“You are not going to start this game.”

Troy, the starting quarterback, is stunned.

That’s partially because he is finding out that he’s being benched. But, moreso because his coach didn’t just say that he’s not going to start. The coach SANG it – to the tune of the Avocados From Mexico jingle.

Somehow, hearing the bad news sung to the jingle makes everything…better. (The fresh tray of guacamole helps, too.)


We measured brand recall and association with our message that "Avocados From Mexico make everything better" with a brand lift study through DISQO. We saw a 5% increase in unaided brand awareness as well as 3% increase in both purchase intent and brand preference. Equally important to us, though, was the 4% increase in associating Avocados From Mexico with the idea of "making things better" and building brand perceptions of good taste (+2%), good times (+8%), and good for you (+3%). These results outperformed DISQO norms for our category.

In particular, channel and format analysis demonstrated that using film/video was most effective at improving unaided awareness and purchase intent and preference, especially in digital channels.

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