Cannes Lions

SBI Life Insurance #Papahainna


Case Film
Presentation Image






In India, we still practice deep-rooted traditional preference to the male child or the son.

But even in this scenario, we have some daughters who are success stories because they are fortunate to have fathers standing behind them like rocks.

This insight made SBI Life, a frontrunner in the life Insurance category shift their communication to father-daughter in a quest to inspire each Dad to secure the future of his daughter just like he would of his son.

We chose the universal language of music and created a first ever ballad in the form of a music video #PapaHainNa .

We brought in the best from the music industry to compose this song.

Sung by the popular playback singer Neeti Mohan, written by Sameer Anjaan and composed by Shamir Tandon. The video featured Neeti Mohan and her father.

This ode by a daughter to her father will remain in every Dad’s heart for


Worth of a good asset lies in the shareability and engagement factor in it. What worked for the brand with Papa Hai Na music video that was populated across the digital medium was how quickly the video became Viral, with no extreme push from the brand’s end, and became the most talked about father daughter video on father’s day. YouTube was the most preferred destination for the video, with its high music content consumption. # Fame, the creators of the music video, used their social media channels to promote the content whether it was Tweets, social networking channels or the social influencers. Along with Brand’s social media assets that further promoted the content across digital platforms. The result was an effective engagement from the TG who used the campaign hashtag to share their own #PapaHaiNa stories, pictures and experiences.


The content received over 1.19 million views.

Effective campaign optimization helped receive over 30% views.

The CPV was controlled at INR 2.51as against the estimated CPV of INR 3.31.

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