Cannes Lions



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Case Film
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INTERCITÉS, is a train offer of SNCF – the French monopoly railway company. It’s the best solution to travel everywhere in France as it covers the entire territory with more than 200 destinations.

Unlike the other SNCF brands, INTERCITÉS communicates only two time a year to promote its very low prices. The initial brief was to embody the values of the brand – humor, lightness – and create a promotional campaign with a new and strong and distinctive universe. INTERCITÉS is the first brand of SNCF to face the competition of other train offers in France.


Traveling is something expensive. With 15€, you won’t go really far… But thanks to SNCF, the French Railway Company, it became possible : travel further than you think for 15€.

Now, with only 15€, you can travel through France and even beyond : Paris, Marseille, Bordeaux, Bruxelles, Barcelona….

We decided to turn this simple idea into a complete graphic idea : create a new world for consumers and travelers. A far, far away world to promote these cheap train tickets.

We teamed up with two illustrators, Wenyi Geng & Olivier Bonhomme, to create this far away world. They realized many illustrations to cover all holidays destinations : city, lake, beach, mountain and even under water… To immerse SNCF customer into this new world, we spread this new world everywhere, in and outside the train stations : train tickets, mugs, leaflets, membership cards, flyers, posters…


We decided to create this far away world through illustrations and we choose the Moebius style, a modern and dreamlike style, commonly used to create unknown worlds.

We selected two illustrators : Wenyi Geng and Olivier Bonhomme, whose illustrations styles were matching perfectly with our idea. We asked them to make several illustrations, corresponding to different holiday destinations of France. Illustrations were hand-made and we spread them everywhere, on every touchpoint we had. To dive travelers into our new and far away world, we had to use these illustration on the maximum of touch-points, to emphasize the effect of a brand new universe. We created giant posters, changed the look of the train tickets, created goodies distributed in train stations and in the trains… With all of these, it was impossible for the travels to escape to this far away world.


Results of the campaign will be received by end of April.

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