Cannes Lions




2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
MP3 Original Language
MP3 Original Language






The Challenge

Identify an ownable, key topical area for Scope to bring its campaign Courage Encouraged to life.


To connect Scope into the buzz excitement, and consumer engagement around April Fool’s Day with the objective of increasing brand exposure (specifically engagement and earned impressions).


We launched a fake product, Scope Bacon, the week before April Fool’s Day, planned over 3 Phases – Launch, Boost and Reveal - to successfully break through the clutter.


Launch - Our online video was seeded on owned digital platforms (Scope website and YouTube page) and placed teasers with 200 infuencers to start talking. Scope website was reskinned to feature Scope Bacon.

Boost – Paid support commences via digital takeovers, promoted Tweets, and boosted Facebook ads to launch the announcement of Scope Bacon to consumers. Buzzfeed custom content launched as well as a USA Today print ad to further trick consumers.

Reveal - On April 1, Scope revealed the prank via social media blasts and inclusion in April Fool’s prank roundup stories in media.


The campaign week 3/27/13–4/3/13 resulted in +1 billion impressions, over 868 million earned impressions, a paid:earned ratio of 1:5, 7.5 million video views and +30,000 new Facebook fans.


Launch – 3/27-3/31

Our online video was seeded on owned digital platforms (Scope website and YouTube page) and placed teasers with 200 editors and infuencers. Scope owned digital properties and Scope social media platforms website was reskinned to feature Scope Bacon.

Boost – 4/1 am

Paid support commenced via digital takeovers, promoted Tweets, and boosted Facebook ads to launch the announcement of Scope Bacon to consumers and drive video views. Buzzfeed custom content, “Unexpected Things That Became Huge Successes” and “Amazing Headlines Involving Bacon,” launched as well as a USA Today print ad. Our community manager replied to social posts in a way that encouraged conversation and reinforced the legitimacy of the product.

Reveal – 4/1 pm

Scope revealed the prank via social media blasts via Twitter and Facebook and inclusion in April Fool’s prank roundup stories in media. Consumers were also offered coupons for the real Scope products on the microsite.


The launch was immediately picked up by the media and gained momentum globally, with features in wide-reaching media like Mashable, USA Today, CNN, and Huffington Post. In a week we had over 1 billion impressions, 868 million of which were earned, with a paid: earned ratio of 1:5-- completely exceeding expectations. The video also over-delivered, with over 7.5 million views. We even gained over 30,000 Facebook fans without asking anyone to 'Like' our page. We got the ultimate consumer approval: their willingness to share Scope content with their own networks in record numbers -- on Facebook alone over 230,000 times.

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