Cannes Lions


MJZ, Los Angeles / AUDI / 2015







In a world where many stick to the script, Audi chose a different route. Setting a new benchmark in agility, design and luxury, the all-new Audi Q3 defies expectations at every turn. Now is the time to stray the course.


We open inside a modern office space. As we move through the office, we see a few employees going

about their daily routine. Amidst them, we focus on Carl - a thirty something-year-old man. At his

desk, we see his boss approach and begin speaking to him – only something seems slightly odd with

their interaction.

BOSS: Carl, you can work the weekend, right?

We move out to see that both of them are carefully reading from a thick script.

CARL: Of course, whatever you need.

We cut to see Carl moving through the office hallway when he accidentally bumps into a co-worker.

The two stare at each other for a prolonged moment, before turning to their own scripts. Carl reads

his line.

Co-Worker: Carl, send me that link.

CARL: OK Gary.

We cut to find Carl in an elevator. We hear the terrible elevator music play. Carl is about to make

small talk when the man next to him points to the stage direction on the script, it reads


We now cut to Carl outside on a busy city street. People pass him left and right and they all are

holding scripts. From his view we see a lady with shopping bags hailing a taxi with her script, some

older businessmen at lunch reading from scripts, and even a cop directing some traffic from his

script. We see two fit, twenty something women with yoga mats. One of them reads off a script.

WOMAN 1: Yeah, I’m thinking of doing a cleanse…

WOMAN 2: I love Kale.

WOMAN 1: Me, too.

Carl is now playing a racquetball game with a friend. They’re in an intense volley (both guys

awkwardly have scripts in their spare hands). Carl wins a point and caught up in the excitement,

boasts a bit.

CARL: Yes!!!

FRIEND: Where's Yes? (Looking at his script)

Carl then quickly looks to his script and politely edits himself.

CARL: I mean, good point.

We cut to a nice dinner party and see Carl and his wife holding scripts amongst several other

partygoers. A loud partygoer is heard reading his script.

PARTYGOER: …so I say, that's pretty expensive for something called "gluten free".

There’s a dramatic pause as everyone at the party looks to their scripts. Suddenly, as if on cue, the

group explodes with laughter.

PARTYGOERS: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

We cut to see Carl’s wife – only she isn’t laughing at all. She looks towards Carl with a knowing,

questioning glance that seems to say there must be more to life than this.

From the party, we find Carl running with his friend on an empty street at dusk. The two men run

carrying their scripts, out of breath they stop.

FRIEND: Just a few more years… and I’ll make junior partner.

At this point, Carl looks to his script, looking surprised.

CARL: Dramatic music plays as stunning car arrives..?

Suddenly, dramatic music plays and a stunning all new Audi Q3 powerfully accelerates around a

bend – its the getaway car from this scripted life. It stops and he approaches the car in awe and

opens the passenger door – we see his wife at the wheel of the Q3. She smiles and beckons him. Carl

drops his script and gets inside. The Q3 drives off, leaving the script and his stunned friend behind.

FRIEND: That’s not on my script?!

WIFE: Ready? Let's go.

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