Cannes Lions


MJZ, Los Angeles / JAMESON / 2018

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'Scully' is a true story from the Jameson archives. At the end of each day a Distillery Ledger was filled in with the details of the day. This included all the whiskey that was distilled and any learnings or mishaps that were made. Jameson is famously triple distilled, that's what gives it it's smooth taste. However, on this particular day in 1888 a mistake was made and someone only distilled the batch two times. This unforgivable act was recorded in the ledger and thousands of bottles of whiskey had to be destroyed. No one knew who was responsible, that was until someone decided to add a line to the bottom of the entry in the ledger, it simply said 'Scully was to blame'. So we decided to tell the story of Scully to show how seriously we take our distillation process. We triple distill for good reason. Taste, that's why.


‘Scully’ was the first film in our new platform. It is a global campaign and will run in over 20 countries around the world. The biggest market for Jameson is the US, followed by South Africa and Russia. It is the biggest selling Irish Whiskey in the world by some distance.


Of 36 global markets for Jameson 24 of them have already taken up the ‘Taste, that’s why.’ platform. Jameson continues to grow in volume. In the last year sales have increased by 6%. ‘Scully’ is just one part of our story but a very important one.

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