Cannes Lions

See the potential


Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Case Film






Demand for traditional print is shrinking. Driven by changing consumer habits and shifts to digital communication. In Europe, the print industry is dominated by small, family-owned companies – circa 7,000 business owners – they’re unsure where to turn; how to diversify; or what to invest in to secure the future of their business – because the wrong investment could mean game over.

How do you sell printers to a niche audience so paralysed by indecision? Delivering a trends video is not enough. Especially when the journey to purchase is typically 12-18 months.

You authentically engage with them as a partner, not just a manufacturer. Cutting through the noise around speeds, feeds and functions, by talking and resonating with them as creatives. Reminding them that creativity is their greatest asset, and the new Konica Minolta lineup delivers what they need to see their business grow in the new print era.


Inspiring professional printers to enter a new dimension of print possibilities and see how with Konica Minolta they can achieve business growth.

Simply printing more, faster is not enough to survive in the new print era. What SMB printers need now is more creativity, craft, and the latest print techniques. So we put them at the heart of our campaign with an idea that kicks against the industry’s expected narrative by inviting our audience on a creative journey to ‘See the potential.’

Brought to life with a hero film that literally takes them through a world of print possibilities like never before. Crafted from real paper art, using on-trend digital print techniques and impressive cinematography – the film demonstrates how Konica Minolta understanding of our audience’s challenges; shares their passion; and, crucially, is committed to their future through printer offering and support.


Our strategy was informed by extensive qualitative research, including interviews with 50+ influential print industry experts, as well as commercial print customers. Revealing rich insights and industry trends that inspired the creative idea and its execution – ensuring both were grounded in truth.


Campaigns in-market focus on functionality and spec. Ignoring the fact that the audience are creatives too, not just printers.


Small, family-owned, print business owners, circa 7,000 across Europe. They’re unsure what to invest in to secure the future of their business and their families.


With traditional printing in decline and a radical shift in customers’ expectations, the print business industry is challenged on all sides. Leaving business owners paralysed by indecision.


Igniting Print Possibilities (IPP) is Konica Minolta’s commitment to helping print businesses thrive in the new print era.

Proposition: ‘Let’s create amazing and thrive’

Differentiates Konica Minolta and re-energises our print audience.


An awe-inspiring immersive world. A 99% paper-crafted set, with each individual element laser cut and hand assembled by artists. 350+ craft hours. One incredible, seamless shot.

In a way not seen before, we took a modest, empty studio and transformed it into a magical world made entirely of print, to ignite and reinvigorate our audience’s imagination. Then we filmed our own print hero as he journeyed through the different paper-based worlds: in one shot. Why? Because we knew it was vital to match their creativity and dedication with ours. To show the same passion for craft as our audience.

Everything you see is crafted in paper, using cutting-edge techniques like foiling and holographic, reflecting our industry trends from print’s versatility to personalisation. All produced on the new Konica Minolta printer line up, it inspired our audience with new ways they can diversify to make themselves and their clients stand out.


Objective 1

Signal a change in customer awareness and perception around Konica Minolta brand and our professional print offering.

Result 1

“The creative approach is outstanding – a huge step-change in how we and our customers see our print offering. This will differentiate us from our competitors”.

Ole Maaz, Head of Marketing, Konica Minolta

Objective 2

Generate engagement to elevate Konica Minolta’s market position in the professional print sector.

Result 2

• Since going live in the first market, website-traffic increased 735% (based on daily average)

• On track to increase monthly leads 7-fold

• Based on KM’s ‘conservative’ average lead generation and conversion rates, we are on set to provide 100% ROI within 3 months

Konica Minolta found the sweet spot between its brand values and audience truth: a passion for print and craft. And brought a niche audience together around shared values, deepening their connection to the brand.

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