Cannes Lions



Presentation Image
Presentation Image
Case Film






Multiple sclerosis is a disease where the central nervous system attacks itself from the inside, making it impossible to see on the outside.

The symptoms are invisible. Although MS can’t be cured, early treatment can slow it down. We needed to increase early detection by making the symptoms visible.

People living with MS briefed photographers to capture their symptoms. Their stories were shared in a nine part mini series airing on TV, cinema and online. With the Seeing MS app, photo filters based on each symptom allowed the public to see and share the effects of the disease.

The app helped MS sufferers discuss their symptoms. Their social comments became briefs for more photographers to interpret.

Students and doctors used the app as an educational tool. Each photograph uploaded to the online gallery helped support, educate and raise awareness as they found their way into print, outdoor and online media.


The photographs captured by the team of professional photographers started the campaign in outdoor and online. Stories behind each image formed a nine part mini series aired on TV, cinema and online. They inspired people to download the Seeing MS app to see and share the effects of the disease via photographic filters.

The app helped people with MS to describe their symptoms. Social comments became photographic briefs for more photographers to interpret.

The best images uploaded to the online gallery were used in outdoor and print ads around Australia and the ones that received the most votes were published in the Seeing MS photography book that continues to be a source of education and support for those living with the disease.


The app was downloaded over 10,000 times. Photographers, filmmakers and students from over 70 countries uploaded images to the online gallery. Each photograph was published in the Seeing MS book and displayed at the Seeing MS exhibition.

The campaign had a total reach of over 10.4 million, generating over 3 million dollars worth of earned media.

5th most shared PSA in Australia.

Finally, there was a 325% increase in phone calls to the MS connect help line, with thousands of people now recognising and responding to the once invisible symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

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