Cannes Lions


LAPIZ, Chicago / ALLSTATE / 2015


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film
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Insurance is a difficult and highly competitive industry. Attracting consumers and getting them to fork over their hard-earned cash on an intangible product is hard work.

To grow their business, Allstate has a long-standing history of developing Hispanic targeted campaigns to generate empathy/consideration for the brand among Hispanic customers.

Built around the insight that Hispanics tend to have a heightened sense of fatalism, Allstate created the Bad Luck character –the ultimate embodiment of misfortune—to remind consumers they need to be protected by Allstate.

Allstate wanted to own the World Cup in order to remain relevant and connected with a key audience, but it had a small budget and wasn’t an official sponsor. So they directed their efforts to social media and digital to reach their audience.


We created #SendBadLuck (#EnviaMalaSuerte) – a fully bilingual, consumer-centric platform that used Allstate’s popular Bad Luck character to “send back luck” to their team’s rivals.


1. A fan tweets his request using #SendBadLuck.

2. An unfortunate event happens during the game.

3. Bad Luck tweets back a video response of how he did it.

We created more than 300 real-time video responses covering all 64 World Cup games.

For the Final, Bad Luck asked fans to choose the loser using his black cat. Fans tweeted to drop cat food in the rival bowl. Just before the match, the black cat picked Argentina as the losing team.


From the kickoff of the first match to the final whistle of the championship game, Allstate embraced the superstitious nature of fans and took them from being passive observers to fully empowered super fans that determined the fate of the cup.

In the end, Allstate helped people understand that in soccer, just like in life, no one is safe from Bad Luck.


Generate Awareness: exceed Allstate digital site traffic rate benchmark.

Drive Social Engagement: demonstrate notable increase (+30-50%) in Social Media engagements during the World Cup.

Deliver Business Results: increase auto insurance quotes by at least 10% by campaign’s end.


5 times Top Trending Topic in the US.

Twitter 75% growth.

Twitter engagement increased by 1,256%.

Facebook engagement increased 373%.

+20MM Social Media Impressions.

Delivered a site traffic rate 519X greater than the brand’s existing benchmark.

22% increase in auto quotes.

10% increase in new auto policies for Allstate.

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