Cannes Lions


DIESEL, Montreal / ALDO SHOES / 2003

Presentation Image






Product Description:Promotional Web site geared towards Aldo’s target market, and offering a high quality catalogue-type section, an interactive section, and a more corporate section. The Website content can be managed with software created specifically for Aldo. In the interactive section, Aldo can collect personal data in order to implement e-mail campaigns.

Objectives:Transform and increase visibility for the Aldo brand on the Web, while communicating the same brand elements as a traditional campaign, with an authentic, serious, down-to-earth approach.

–Promote interaction with the target market to increase store visits.–Collect personal data to implement e-mail campaigns.Target market:Teens and young adults mainly from North America, but also from the Middle East and Europe, where Aldo now also has stores.

Results:Creation of a mood, a beat and a sound synonymous with the Aldo brand and making use of Web multimedia capabilities –Dynamic look achieved by weekly content updates, response to user feedback, fashion trends presented.–Total number of hits doubled since the Web site update in spring 2002, attaining a weekly average of 150,000 hits.–Length of the average visit exceeds 4 minutes, during which 15 pages are viewed on average.

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