Cannes Lions




1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
MP3 Original Language






We realised that the easiest way to get more people aware of Southern Comfort and ordering shots of it at the bar wasn’t through traditional advertising. It was by creating an unforgettable bar call ­ SHOTTASoCo. To get our bar call top­of­mind in our drinkers’ heads we wanted to make SHOTTASoCo famous and bleed it into pop culture. So we turned the bar call of SHOTTASoCo into a real song produced by Michigan based electronic DJs, the Detroit Grand Pubahs, and then created a music video directed by Jody Hill featuring Danny McBride, a well known spokesperson who embodies the Whatever’s Comfortable attitude, dressed in a squirrel suit and flying from Dubai to Miami.


We launched the music video through an exclusive partnership with the music video platform VEVO on YouTube while the song was promoted through authentic music partners including Spotify and Apple Music. We then created teaser content for both the song and music video designed specifically for the audiences on these various partner platforms to ensure the greatest reach and awareness of our campaign as well as capitalizing on that intrigue to drive video views and streams of the song. Accompanying the music video was a series of branded content expanding on Danny McBride's character in the music video as a spokesperson for Southern Comfort and a lover of SHOTTASoCo.


The song was featured in Spotify's New Music Friday and Fresh EDM playlists with our song artwork featured on the front cover. Just a week after launch, the song had officially “gone viral” making #4 on the US Viral Chart, #4 on the German Viral Chart, #20 on Hungary Viral Chart, #28 on the UK Viral Chart, #34 on Netherlands Viral Chart and #5 on the Global Viral Chart. Campaign content and imagery received over 26M impressions on Spotify with supporting content receiving over 7.2M views and 4M listens. The SHOTTASoCo music video became the most viewed piece of online content ever created by Southern Comfort with over 5.5M views. A further 3.4M views were generated from supporting campaign content published across YouTube and Facebook with an average view duration of over 95%.

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