Cannes Lions

Shouting Men

OGILVY, London / PHILIPS / 2019







This film is a standpoint taken by Philips in the debate currently raging about the role of modern men. While some brands have taken a prescriptive view on how modern men should behave, Philips prefers to take a more positive approach. Instead of an overcorrection, we believe in modern men, particularly in their ability to be multidimensional. We know they can still be sensitive and empathetic without having to stop being men. So we encourage them to follow their gut instinct and “do what feels right”. This way they can choose to be the man they want to be. And it’s with this in mind that Philips have created a broad range of shaving tools to match every man’s individual taste, style and needs, so he can shave the way that feels right to him.


Philips makes life better for modern men by encouraging them to “Do What Feels Right”. In short, this is about modern men blocking out all societal noise and expectations, and following their gut instinct to determine for themselves what kind of man they want to be.

We believe this is a message worth sharing and we were looking for the ideal spokesmen to take it to the world.

The Mieskuoro Huutajat – Shouting Men’s Group – of Oulu Finland epitomizes Philips’ values of positive

masculinity as they are men who are not afraid to be their honest, authentic selves.

Philips knows that modern men and multidimensional and this irreverent, genre-busting group is exactly that.

They’re a mixed group of ordinary, relatable men – from poets and professors to engineers and taxi drivers – with a shared passion for expressing themselves with the kind of confidence that Philips finds inspiring.

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