Cannes Lions


CRITICAL MASS, Calgary / VERTU / 2002

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Objectives: Vertu wanted a site that would introduce the Vertu brand and its revolutionary personal communications instrument to an online audience. The main goals of the site were to create brand awareness, develop a market for the product and extend Vertu's global reach beyond its immediate footprint. Strategy: in order to entice users to interact repeatedly with the brand online, the campaign was conceived in stages. The first 'whisper' stage included a pre-teaser Flash site with the goal of peaking customer interest. The second stage was a revised password protected Flash version of the site. Only a select group of registered users were given access to highlight the exclusivity of the product. The third stage involved an email campaign to drive users to the site. The fourth stage includes the introduction of a product configurator so users can personalise their Vertu product. Critical Mass created a site that embodies the beauty and prestige of the brand while allowing users a change to educate themselves about the product. The major theme has been 'unparalleled communication'. Visitors can configure the product to their personal specifications, book an apppointment with a Vertu representative, and ultimately purchase the product. Two key components of the site are flexibility and scalability. The site is to be flexible enough to accommodate a growing product line, more detailed e-commerce procedures, and multiple language versions. Our work for Vertu also includes a utilitarian, four-language CD-ROM, for inclusion with the product, which enables users to synchronise their instrument with the appointment calendar on their PC. Results: the site has been successful in building a 20,000 user base during the teaser phase and the email campaign enticed 80-90 per cent of these users to visit the site again at re-launch. The online campaign has created a large number of leads for Vertu, both in brochure and appointment requests. Vertu is well on the way to meeting and exceeding its online marketing goals for 2002.

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