Cannes Lions

Sky Gender Equality Commerical

SKY CREATIVE, London / SKY / 2016

Case Film
Supporting Images
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At Sky, they are committed to championing equality and diversity.

They are the first broadcaster to set bold targets back in 2014 for on screen BAME diversity representation at 20%, far more ambitious than other broadcasters and whilst they are making strong headway they know more needs to be done both in front of, and behind the camera.

Back in 2014, They also set themselves a bold challenge; to address gender diversity within the business – as a result the Women in Leadership Initiative was established, with the intention of driving the diversity agenda throughout the entire business.

Today 35% of Sky’s global workforce are female, and a third of their top 400 leaders are too, but their ambition in time is to get this to a 50/50 gender split.

Sky briefed us to create a campaign to coincide with International Women’s Day, to raise awareness of their commitment to gender equality, and of one of the strategies in place – The Women in Leadership initiative, to help them deliver against that ambition.

Their objective was simple – to land that as a business they are committed to gender equality.


Our creative was born from the core idea that with the right balance we can achieve greatness.

Using trapeze artistes to tell our story, alone they are strong and graceful, but together they create a truly spectacular performance.

Their skillful balance depends on support and trust from each other, their equal contribution is vital to success of their act.

We had just two days to conceive the campaign, and two weeks pre-production, and in that very short lead-time worked quickly to find our niche cast. We were looking for standout performers with equal strength, and with them created bespoke choreography to communicate our narrative.

We created a contemporary urban look and had just one shoot day for both the video and digital assets.

A bespoke soundscape enhanced the intricacies and power of the commercial, helping to set the right mood and capture attention.


Our approach of using TV, social and digital display to drive awareness at scale resulted in our delivering 11.7m impressions and 19.5m views on a relatively low weight media budget.

In terms of creating an effective and beautiful campaign that would capture attention, we delivered, as proven by our native advertorials exceeding benchmarks in term of both hits and dwell time suggesting it resonated with our audiences.

This extended to social too, with our posts on twitter surpassing engagement benchmarks, and capturing the attention of influencers from the world of sport, education and beyond, further amplifying our message.

With more results still to come, we believe we have firmly put on the map Sky’s commitment to gender equality and achieved the campaigns' objective.

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