
Russell Sprout

SAPIENTNITRO, London / SKY / 2016

Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Case Film






Sky produced a successful 2015 Christmas TV ad for the Sky Movies brand.

The storyline featured a young girl who needed to finish her sprouts before leaving the table to watch the big Christmas day movie.

Her solution was to take the sprouts off her plate and crawl underneath the table to find somewhere to hide them - she emerged from behind the tablecloth into a magical adventure through Sky Movies Christmas movie content, where she cleverly hid all of her sprouts before finding herself back at the table sprout-free.

Our brief was to provide anprovide an immersive digital experience to deepen connection with an audience exposed to the TVC.

The challenge was that it was not possible to feature the TVC’s stars, or create new content with studio-owned movie characters.


The implementation of the campaign ran in two phases.

The first was designed to achieve Reach & Awareness of Sky’s Christmas TVC, which was successfully achieved through a Facebook Reachblock & Promoted Twitter Trend.

The second phase was designed to deepen the level of engagement with consumers who engaged with the first phase. Those who engaged were retargeted with our Russ Sprout on Facebook, and through custom audience targeting on Twitter.

Within the second phase, we aimed to drive engagement with the Russ Sprout video content (x1 90sec and x3 15sec videos) creating a story-driven narrative around Russ.

This transitioned into inviting our audience to participate on a deeper level, through posts designed to drive conversation and participation, before introducing a UGC competition where we asked fans to create their own #SproutMovies for a chance to win a great prize – just in time for Christmas.

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