Cannes Lions

Skype for Sight

POSSIBLE, Los Angeles / MICROSOFT / 2018

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After twenty years of unfruitful results, an Armenian couple happily gave birth to twins Lianna and Kevork. However, as they were premature at 7 months, Lianna was diagnosed with retinopathy of prematurity. While almost 100% treatable if caught within the first 48 hours, retinopathy is one of the leading causes of preventable childhood blindness in Armenia. At 2-3 days old, she underwent her first surgery.

With the help of Microsoft Skype for Business, Dr. Lee from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and other specialists can observe and assist Armenian doctors with complex eye surgeries, such as Lianna’s. The platform enables surgical cameras to stream high quality video and audio from the operating room to doctors around the world. With clear visuals and real-time communication, they can walk through a step-by-step solution over a secure connection.

Thanks to everyone’s efforts, Lianna and over 1,000 other children have had their sight restored.

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