Cannes Lions

Small Space Sitting

GRABARZ & PARTNER, Hamburg / IKEA / 2017


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Demo Film
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Case Film
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Case Film
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The idea was to promote IKEA’s furniture and the brand’s philosophy. For this we took posters – that usually only show furniture – and made them experienceable. Our specially designed CLPs turned Small Space Living into Small Space Sitting – letting people actually take a seat in a poster for the first time. So we surprised Berlin’s passers-by with a special ambient medium and let them discover space where no space was before. Proving that with smart ideas any space can be turned into a great place – even small advertising space.


With the help of a designer we let ordinary CLPs become something that is more than just a poster. Therefore, we covered our specially designed CLPs with a special, highly flexible fabric. From afar they appeared to be ordinary CLPs promoting a chair or couch. From close up however people quickly discovered that they could actually take a seat in them – as if the furniture was directly build into the poster. During a two-week promotion the Small Space Sitting City-Light-Posters were set up at much-frequented places all over Berlin.


During the campaign our Small Space Sitting City-Light-Posters were set up at much-frequented places like Berlin central station, close to the Federal Assembly, in malls and on the streets. So thousands of people got the chance to see and try out our posters. Right away Berlin’s passers-by curiously interacted with them and took a seat. They not only enthusiastically took pictures and shared the idea on social media but also got inspired to use their own housing space cleverly – with the help of IKEA’s smart and flexible furniture. But most of all we did not only talk about the brand’s Small Space Living philosophy but made it experienceable in our small advertising space.

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