Cannes Lions


CARAT, New York / DIAGEO / 2012







Our idea? Create a branded digital music platform with 24/7 programming: living online, in mobile and social. Not only did MOTM Radio provide exclusive content, interviews with contestants, and TV tune-in messaging, it addressed the music rights issue by allowing consumers to listen to full DJ sets from the TV show.

In today’s convergent world, media content is absorbed immediately and used as social currency. Understanding that TV content can be a driver to social conversation, a live Twitter feed was integrated into the show to a degree never considered before, allowing consumers, contestants, judges and Smirnoff to engage with each other in real time, improving the shows social reach. Thus promoting conversation and earned media that was amplified across the ecosystem.We redefined Media; transforming a one-dimensional TV show into a holistic experience, where consumers could access the music in its entirety and experience MOTM any time, any place.


For the first time in 3 years, Smirnoff experienced a lift in brand affinity tracking for "Popularity" and "Distinctivity” amongst males 21-34. Significantly, we drove business growth and for the first time in 18 months, grew $ share in the Distilled Spirits category by +9 bps (+6.1% versus YAG).In the process, we grew MOTM TV ratings 41%, with the season premier reaching over 1 million people, accumulating more than 1.5MM minutes listened to on MOTM radio. We increased our Facebook fans by 75,000 and achieved the #2 organic trending topic on Twitter, making us bigger than Santa on Christmas Day.

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