Cannes Lions

Smirnoff Love Wins Installation


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At these kinds of events, sponsors and supporters will simply brand a bar or DJ booth. But not us. Instead we made 7 customised Smirnoff bottles into giant works of art, all featuring messages of equality. One of these installations was a large-scale replica of our Love Wins limited edition bottle, which was available to buy at the time.


Lit from the inside, the 12ft polypropylene bottles feature powerful messages of equality. All passionately written by us, the messages capture the positive feeling of inclusivity and creativity felt at these kinds of festivals.

Surrounded by plush, lit circular seating, each bottle drew people in, offering them somewhere to sit and hang out whilst having a drink from the Smirnoff bar. Whether sat beneath one of the imposing bottles or milling around the entire installation, the bottles were designed to be a major Instagram photo spot.

Our idea was all about being relevant, so when Trump pulled out of the Paris Agreement just two weeks before the first event in Vegas, we reacted immediately, creating a set of new messages and artworks in response.


2017 was a year in which people came together to speak out about their beliefs and bridge political divides. To show how proud we are to live in a world where people can express what they really believe, we created a truly memorable experience that united people through the ‘Love Wins’ idea.

Surrounded by bespoke circular seating, these giant bottles became the centrepiece of the environment; lit-up beacons that brought like-minded people together. Festivalgoers were invited to project themselves onto a massive LCD screen, which we integrated into the giant Love Wins bottle. The images echoed around the festival and social media channels by the thousands, making for a really uplifting atmosphere and a truly memorable event.

So, despite all the negativity and controversy in the news last summer, it felt like everybody wanted to connect to the idea that ‘Love Wins’.

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