Cannes Lions

Smoke Break-Dance

SMUGGLER, Los Angeles / MICK JENKINS / 2024


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Original Content






Inspired by the song's title, the video uses the metaphor of a 'smoke break'—a short escape from daily stressors—as a deeper commentary on how such breaks can become harmful escapisms. The brief was to create a narrative around the distractions that men, particularly black men, might seek out, and how these often lead to destructive behaviors. Andre Muir's approach was to use these vignettes to challenge stereotypes and promote a reflective dialogue on masculinity.


Andre Muir: What inspired my idea was the literal song title. A smoke break. You take them, normally at work. You're taking this break, this distraction from this other thing in your life that you think sucks, a job, school etc. But this little break is probably worse for you than that job could ever be. The song made me think about the different vices or “highs” we use to escape reality. But they can be double-edged swords as well. Sometimes the things we do to avoid and distract from our reality to gain some semblance of control ends up controlling us. I wanted to create a narrative video that showed different characters doing just that, only I wanted to focus these distractions around what I think is the root cause of alot of vices for men, which is black toxic masculinity.


The music video employs a series of vignettes to depict individuals engaging in various forms of escapism as a coping mechanism for the pressures of societal expectations. By focusing on the negative impact of these societal pressures, the video aims to provoke reflection, encourage discourse on masculinity, and challenge normalized views of male behavior. This artistic choice supports a broader mission to spark change and promote a deeper understanding of these crucial social issues.


In the music video "Smoke Break Dance" directed by Andre Muir, various vignettes depict individuals using vices as escapes from reality, which ultimately control them. The overarching theme is toxic black masculinity driving these escapes. The video showcases characters like a man drowning his sorrows in alcohol, teenagers recording harmful acts, and two boys fighting, illustrating how distractions from life's challenges become detrimental. Throughout, director Muir uses the narrative to provoke thought on broader societal issues, such as the impacts of patriarchy, aiming to inspire reflection and change.


"Smoke Break-Dance" created a noteworthy impact, achieving remarkable engagement and appreciation for its creativity and the emotive depth. The video features an array of powerful vignettes, tied together by their different forms of toxic black masculinity, ultimately leading to the theme of escapism. This project not only showcases visionary storytelling techniques, but also reflects a dedication to exploring significant societal issues. It has served as a catalyst for change, prompting introspection and fostering a more inclusive and empathetic understanding of masculinity in its various forms. Recognised as a notable work, it presents a powerful and original perspective on a critically important subject, with visuals that align with the conceptual ambition.

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SMUGGLER, Los angeles



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