Cannes Lions


SMUGGLER, Los Angeles / MICK JENKINS / 2022







With the concept, the director wanted to personify gentrification. So often it happens and it almost feels like an invisible force that’s just changing your childhood neighborhood around you. So, the director wanted to put a face to it. The point of the video wasn’t necessarily to demonize white people; we see them move into the neighborhood and eventually into his home, but they’re not malicious. The fact that they weren’t malicious was intentional – they’re not like intentionally after Mick, instead the video is kind of a personification of White Indifference. Mick and the rest of his neighbors may as well be invisible to these characters as they move in and replace them. The idea of indifference is almost in a way even sadder.


The idea began as a reaction to the darker vibe of Mick’s song. The melody of the song felt very broody -- like we're waiting for something to emerge from under the surface. It reminded the director of an underbelly of sorts. A type of seediness. Thinking about the name of the song “Truffles” which is this extremely rare and sought-after fungus that grows underground. It almost felt like synchronicity. The director wanted the story to take place in a black world. A black suburb. He also wanted to place it there just because there’s this kind of myth of Black suburbia…like it never existed.


In the video, we find Mick Jenkins in a black suburban neighborhood. While we follow his routine of waking up and watering his lawn, we slowly see his neighbors replaced by white doppelgangers.


The film went live on YouTube and social media on June 23, 2021.


The film received almost 1.2 Million views on YouTube and was widely covered and praised in trades across both the music and ad industries. The video was also shortlisted for Music Video of the Year at shots The Americas.

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