Cannes Lions



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We all remember examples of people who saw Jesus in the oddest places. In March 2009 there were 3 famous Jesus sightings: in a cushion, on Google earth, and in a meteorite.We spotted a fantastic ‘Have a break, have a KitKat’ moment in this popular madness. (In the Netherlands Have a break means “Gimme a break” or “enough is enough”).We took precisely the same path that these types of phenomena take by creating a credible fake email from a man in the Netherlands who discovered Jesus in his KitKat after taking a bite, and added 2 photos as evidence. We sent this, just before Easter, to the 2 biggest Dutch news sites. One of them published the story and the photos. From that moment on, the story spread like wildfire.Only 4 days later more than 150.000 websites (with forums) wrote about this sighting and they all used our photo with the KitKat bar. In most cases people made the connection between this Jesus sighting and the extremely well-known KitKat pay-off, as we read in their postings:“Have a break, have a Jesus KitKat”, for example.Or: “Give me a break: a Jesus KitKat...”Or: “Give Jesus a break…”


Just before Easter, we sent an email to the two largest Dutch news sites. We wrote it with a non existent person from Amsterdam as the sender, saying that he had ‘discovered’ the face of Jesus in his KitKat, after taking a bite. We attached 2 photos as proof. Still on Good Friday, one of them published the story.Then the news travelled fast. People spread the news themselves. One blog, news site and online community after the other took over the story and the photos. Within four days over 150,000 sites all over the world had published the photos and wrote about it.


The largest Dutch news site picked up on the story immediately. Then the story spread like wildfire. It appeared on news sites, blogs and communities. They registered thousands of unique visitors and hundreds of people responded. One foreign news site and blog after another covered the story in the days that followed. Within just four days, the Jesus KitKat was mentioned on more than 150,000 sites.In most cases people made the connection between the Jesus sighting and the extremely well-known KitKat payoff. We achieved more contacts in a few days than you ever could with an ad. People around the globe were focused for a good ten days on KitKat and their creed: Have a break, have a KitKat. All of this was without us ever showing a KitKat logo or payoff. (Update - April 29: It’s now over 183,000 sites)

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