Cannes Lions


BBDO NEW YORK, New York / MARS / 2015


1 Silver Cannes Lions
3 Bronze Cannes Lions
7 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Presentation Image
Presentation Image






Our challenge was to give new life to our successful but five-year-old Snickers campaign, “You’re not you when you’re hungry”, with an idea that would earn the brand an unfair share of attention and accolades for the 2015 Super Bowl.

In America, the Super Bowl is the one day of the year when brands often stray far from their core messages and simply try to out-do each other to earn laughs or tears. It is also a stage that rewards novelty, and similarly can punish an idea that doesn't feel new and fresh. But unlike many Super Bowl advertisers, Snickers needed a commercial that would last more than one night—it needed to be relevant and effective all year long. We didn't have the luxury to take the day off from our campaign, so we needed to bring novelty and talk value within the constraints of what’s been successful for us since 2010.

Our solution was to innovate within the familiar campaign structure. So our commercial tells the story of a hungry person represented by a celebrity, but it is set it within an episode of the classic American sitcom “The Brady Bunch”.

The results of the spot and the supporting executions exceeded our expectations – the spot was the #2 most shared ad of the game, and it generated media coverage that was 100% positive or neutral, as well as over 1.8 billion impressions.


We created fake profiles on Tinder. If someone were to swipe right on one of our weird profiles, they would immediately match with us. Once we matched, we sent them a message stating that they’ve made a very questionable decision. We then offered them a chance to grab a Snickers and rethink their move, because “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry.”


In the first couple of days the social posts got 38,746 impressions on Twitter, 5,428 on Tumblr, and 46,176 on Facebook.

The response was very positive generating buzz around the subject.

ADWEEK said: “Snickers is killing it lately”.

Venables Bell gave it a shout out on Twitter: “@Snickers’ latest: You Make Mistakes When You’re Hungry” stunt is so simple and so smart. #envy”.

Even “the Telegraph” in the U.K. picked it up.

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