Spikes Asia

Solar Boat : Clean Up Mekong



6 Shortlisted Spikes Asia
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Ocean garbage is globally a serious problem. 88%~95% of the ocean garbage is coming from the 10 rivers of Asia and Africa. The Mekong River is a transboundary river originating from China, passing through Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, and Cambodia and finally through Vietnam to the sea. Vietnam is the last stand of floating garbage from six countries before it goes to sea. However, The Vietnamese dumped garbage into the Mekong River and believed that the river becomes clean soon because it flows fast into the sea.

Hanwha is pursuing a solar energy business in Vietnam, and as a member of the community, it has come up with a "clean-up Mekong" campaign with ideas that can solve Vietnamese environmental problems and even global ocean garbage problems.


First of all, we produced a Solar Boat with Hanwha's solar solution technology to collect floating garbage from the Mekong River in Vietnam, just before it flowed into the sea.

A large number of environmental campaigns undertaken to protect the Earth often inadvertently pollute the Earth in another way. However, our solar boat does not use a single gram of fossil fuel, Instead, only solar energy operates the boat and runs the conveyor belt to collect floating garbage. As a result, it emits nothing harm to the earth.

We also gave Solar boat the character of the Mekong River hero who eats up floating waste and applied it to the exterior design. This has led to the Solar Boat's role in collecting garbage from the Mekong River while also monitoring residents' dumping activities.


Collecting garbage is also important, but raising the environmental awareness of people is essential to solving fundamental problems. Therefore, we created a character to approach friendly to communicate for Vietnamese people. And we called it “Solar hero” in order to be recognized as the character to save the Mekong by using solar energy, This character has been used throughout the design of the boat's exterior, digital campaigns and events.


1) August 2018~May 2019: Solar boat design/production/trial

A high performed Hanwha Q CELLS' Q.PEAK DUO solar modules were built with a total 6.45mX2.3mX2.6m boat and a maximum output of 4.4kW to collect garbage along the Mekong River

2) January~July 2019: Solar Hero Character Development & Entertainment film making

3) May~June 2019: Execution of digital campaign to raises public awareness on environment and expectations for solar boat.

4) June 2019~present: We donated two solar boats on the world environment day and they are running the daily live event to collect the garbage.

5) August 2019~present : On-air entertainment film


- From the donation of solar boat to the present, we have collected a lot of floating garbage contributing to solving the environmental problems of the Mekong River and ocean garbage. It also reminds residents of the Mekong River area of the importance of the environment.

- Through the digital campaign and film, we achieved 23 million Impressions, 10 million views, and more than 80,000 reactions (total interaction including like, comment, share). It is particularly encouraging that this campaign has led to an active debate on environmental issues, renewable energy, and especially advantage of solar energy among Vietnamese netizens.

- With the disclosure of the Vietnamese press (more than 38 cases) and the global press (more than 92 cases), it has attracted not only Vietnam but also the world.

- Vietnam’s other provinces and other countries request the Hanwha solar boat.

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