Cannes Lions

The Biggest Voice (Baseball Sign Language Project)

HANCOMM, Seoul / HANWHA / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film






It is very simple.

Let's make the language that hadn’t exited before.

It is the start of baseball for all.


We teamed up deaf baseball players from different regions with expert sign language researchers to develop a sign language dictionary with 135 baseball terms. Unlike any other sign language books, we incorporated factors such as pictures from two different directions, 3D arrows, and multiple exposure techniques to create a dictionary that could be easily understood by simply looking at picture images. We not only distributed such dictionaries across the country, but also created various platforms such as dictionary website (web, mobile app), youtube channel, offline exhibition, and viral contents to spread the newly developed language to everyone deaf or not. Furthermore, we organized baseball sign-language educational programs as well as developing expert teachers, so that more deaf population could enjoy the sport.


Having collected 58,000 US Dollar through baseball fans' Donations, we were able to print and distribute copies of the dictionary and gained public interest.

Viral video accumulated over 6 million views and 3.8 million shares.

During the offline exhibition, over 240,000 deaf population visited the site.

Most importantly, on June 3rd 2017, 30,000 fans who visited the stadium made chants not with voice, but in sign language. We were able to dismantle the language barrier to create a baseball environment not only for the majority, but also for those who were left in silence.

The Biggest voice campaign is not limited to baseball. It’s an ignition for a movement that will bring development of sign language for variety of sports nationally.

This is a campaign infused with brand philosophy, 'To live continuously better lives, adding little pieces of everyday happiness' from Hanwha Life, the main sponsor for Hanwha Eagles.

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