Cannes Lions



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One of the most important stages in life for our target audience is the pregnancy, during this time, hydration becomes most important than ever, being determinant for the correct development of the baby.

In this period the body has many changes: increases the water loss, experiences bigger water&sodium retention, cardiac output increases and many other needs that could affect the baby development. Also a correct hydration helps amniotic fluid and plasma volume maintenance.

We teamed up with doctors and created and app connected with a wearable bracelet that based on an algorithm relates the data collected (the woman physical attributes, exact moment of pregnancy, daily movement, physical activity and external issues such as the outside temperature), offering the daily amount of water needed and other important issues like daily tips specific for each stage during pregnancy and breastfeeding, daily kcal, BMI level and a reward system that encourages water intake.


Thirteen months dedicated to develope the mobile software and integrate the algorithm with doctors and nutrition specialist. At the same time the hardware team, work to design a wearable bracelet 100% branded (both bracelet and packaging) using existing wearable technology adapted for our needs.

The hardware production and distrubution took five months in a row.

We chose some of the most important influencers (bloggers, youtubers, etc) related with health and pregnancy to introduce the project, sending wearable bracelet to those pregnant woman that were interested.

Our team doctors introduce the project within the medical community to create awareness.

Using the brand website e-commerce, we started selling the wearable bracelet. The apps were uploaded to app markets (iOS&Android).

We have done life-events hosted by doctors and our developing team to introduce the app to new parents.

A mobile programmatic campaing were launched to generate awareness among our target.


Many pregnant women and their families are already using and recommending the app.

Specialized media are considering somum as an important tool for the pregnancy period.

More than 29.000.000 impressions generated by the campaign.

134.290 visits to the URL for the first month, and the project has just started.

App Date, the most important recommendation site decide to recommend our app in the health&wellness category.

And the best is yet to come...

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