Cannes Lions


OGILVY, Singapore / COCA-COLA / 2024

Demo Film
Supporting Content






OOHA is an unknown challenger soda launching in Thailand in a highly cluttered

flavour soda market. Every sip is an explosion of 2 flavours, but how do you make

noise about a brand amongst Gen Z when they’ve never heard of it or care about it?

For the first year, our objective was single-minded: just create awareness and put

OOOOOHAAAA in everyone's mouth. If people have heard about us and are curious to know more, they'll try our product.


Our brand: OOHA



We made the brand famous, by making the brand name famous.

Owning the expression that best describes the visceral reaction of drinking OOHA for the first time. This series of short films feature in no particular order: giant monsters,sumo wrestlers, owls that are cowboys, pink ninjas, thirsty monkeys, tennis champs, all going OOOOOOHAAAAA.


OOHA's target audience are Gen Z, that's why our media spends focussed on the places where they are: TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and Youtube. The films were

also adapted for social in 1:1 and 9:16 formats.

Our influencer strategy made brand ambassadors not only share the campaign but

also share their own OOOOOHAAAAS.

More than just boring digital ads, we created highly sharable memes.

As we know a lot of our young audience scroll their feeds on mute. That's why our mixed-media films were specially created with animated kinetic supers adapted to

the genres and unique style of each film.


OOHA was strategically launched in May 2023 after the big Thai celebration of

Songkran, when the market is cluttered with brands spending millions of dollars

trying to be seen and heard.

The disruptive campaign was live for 6 months across all social media channels such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

We also worked with influencers to spread the word and the OOOOOHAAAAA


The media spend for 6 months was around 150k USD on social.


Within just a few weeks after launch, we turned OOHA from an unheard-of brand into

an earworm. An endless meme. A catchy song stuck in your head. A sonic trip for

your ears. An audio-visual rollercoaster. A gif that you can hear, even when there';s

no sound. A visceral feeling.

The media reach was 86% (+6%) with 56 million digital reach and 7 million D-OOH

reach. Just based on awareness levels, ROI is 4x. Not only that, OOHA reached 0 to 5% market share in 100 days and still growing. As a result, local legend Singha took the hit and dropped –6ptp. OOHA also experienced 6.7 & 5.5 highest return of sales in Thailand.  And mostly importantly, everyone who's been asked, can't stop

themselves from smiling and going OOOHAAA.

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