Cannes Lions

Spiderman Pop Corn Box

SHACKLETON, Madrid / SONY / 2018

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Case Film
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You’re about to see a great film like the Spider-Man: Homecoming première, you get to your seat… and as usual, there’s a spot to leave your drink, but there’s nowhere to put the popcorn, the most important thing.

We asked Spider-Man to help us solve this problem. And he came up with a great invention….the Spider-Man popcorn box. A box of popcorn with spider powers thanks to a sticker shaped like a spider web. Our Spider-Man popcorn box could stick to any kind of surface (like the back of the seat in front of you), freeing you up to thoroughly enjoy the film.

An “invention” that fans can easily take photos of and that can rapidly go viral.

And, of course, we also sent it out to the media.


A popcorn box to enjoy while watching a Spider-Man film can’t just be any old popcorn box.

We designed a popcorn box with something added that had never been seen before; a removable and sticky “spider web”, to make it easier for people to stick the popcorn box on whatever and wherever they wanted to.

The sticker included a protective plastic cover and was designed to be folded and stored easily.

A very simple invention, very “Spider-Man”, that was impossible to go unnoticed.

Given the difficulty in grabbing people’s attention using regular formats in a conventional way inside a cinema, we decided to do something about the typical awkwardness of handling a popcorn box once people are sat down.

Plus, our invention was easy to photograph and quickly went viral.

The Spider-Man popcorn box was handed out at the film première.


On the day of the première, over 1,200 boxes were purchased for Spider-Man fans to enjoy and take photos of, and the whole thing went viral.

Our Spider-Man popcorn box became famous and notched up over 150 mentions across different industry media. In addition, it achieved over 250,000 impacts in social media networks.

We contributed to the Spider-Man: Homecoming film earning almost 3 million euros, topping the Spanish box-office charts for that weekend.

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