Cannes Lions

Spot The Difference / Finndu muninn

BLUSH, Kopavogur / BLUSH / 2023

Presentation Image
Case Film
1 of 0 items






• Situation

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Google, etc. all have strict policies about advertising pleasure products, and Blush’s ad campaigns had always been banned from paid social ads, billboards and other media outlets because of prejudices and outdated views towards sexual health.

• Brief

Promote a positive and healthy experience towards sexual health and find a way to promote pleasure products without breaking any social media rules or being offensive.

• Objectives

Promote the pleasure products without breaking any social media rules or being offensive.


Today, pleasure products are very often well-designed, obscure, and beautiful objects that can be mistaken for almost anything – not the vulgar imitations of genitalia they so often were in the past. So we decided to hide them in plain sight, in various everyday situations. Hence activating the brand and awarness with a strategic "easter egg" hunt in a real estate listing. Following up with a campaign to normalize pleasure products and sexual health in everyday situations with beautiful imagery.


• Target audience:

Individuals and couples, aged 25-55

• Approach:

The backbone of the strategic approach was the creative "easter egg" hunt that sparked a conversation with consumers and the nation as a whole.

The campaign then tipped of a whole new conversation about raising awareness on sexual health, and breaking the barrier of the bias against owning pleasure products, therefore empowering, especially for women.


We put the owner's house up for sale and planted pleasure products in plain sight all over the real estate listing. We knew the media would pick it up because of her celebrity status in Iceland. And then we waited...

...24 hours later, a Tiktoker spotted the first items, and a scavenger hunt began on social media. Normal people started reposting images with Blush products and talking about them as a normal social thing, hence normalizing and destigmatizing sexual health.

After the real estate stunt, we launched a campaign of beautiful still-life images of everyday objects, with various pleasure products included in every picture, hidden in plain sight. If you noticed them, then you got the message. But if you didn't, then you could just go on with your day without being bothered. For example, you could have mistaken a pleasure product for an egg holder or even whisked butter.


78% increase in new users on Blush's website.

20% increase in sales.

50.000 social media reactions and 5.000+ organic posts from social media users.

Earned media was 30x more than the original media spending.

No social media ads were banned or reported and all ads were allowed in all kinds of media outlets.

The change in behaviour was instant within the whole nation.

Pleasure products went from being a bit of a hush hush, over to being the talk of the town. The transformation of the social conversation was altered 100%.

Brand perception for Blush went from being the main "sex toys shop in town" to being the main high quality provider of pleasure products and Gerður the owner became a thought leader of the topic of sexual health, women empowerment, and wellness.

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