Cannes Lions

Sprett – kids grow up fast

SMFB, Oslo / TINE / 2016







A toddler in a living room is playing with some bubble wrap. In the background we can see her father unwrapping a lamp, and in front of him is the cardboard box it presumably came in. It has been transformed to a playhouse by cutting out windows and doors.

The mother stands next to the box, calling for the little girl to come play. The toddler squeals with delight, runs towards her mother and crawls into the cardboard box. In a playful manner the mother closes the box and says good night. Then she knocks on the "door" to wake her up. But instead of being greeted by her young toddler, the cardboard box suddenly flips over to reveal that the daughter has become a teenage girl. She annoyingly proclaim that she's not interested in playing anymore.

The camera moves back to show the packshot.

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