Cannes Lions


DENTSU INC., Tokyo / ADIDAS / 2018

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Case Film
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For the Adidas PROPHERE sneaker launch, we created an event challenging sneaker fans to actually steal sneakers legally. It appeared as simply another sneaker release event, but when visitors entered the fitting booth, ‘steal them!’ was suddenly displayed on-screen. If they removed the sneakers undetected by either security or hidden cameras within a given 2 minuites, the sneakers were theirs. However, if they were caught, the sneakers were seized by security. The sudden thrill associated with these new sneakers was unforgettable, particularly because Japan has a very low crime rate. News of this activation event quickly spread among fashion enthusiasts and visitors.


We announced the event on Dec. 5th, prior to the product release, and 200 guests were invited to what appeared to be a simple sneaker release event. We rented out Tokyo’s most popular club, and as the first ever ‘legal theft’ event on Dec 10th, guests couldn’t hide their surprise. Successful ‘thieves’ were presented with a mugshot-style portrait plus the sneakers.22 hidden cameras at the venue captured video of guests ‘stealing’ PROPHERE, delivered in real-time via Facebook Live to share the atmosphere of this thrilling project. Post-event, video footage of the ‘stealing’ was edited and expanded for advertising use.


Our sneakerhead guests successfully stole a total of 10 pairs, a fact spread by the winners themselves as well as on Instagram by other unsuccessful visitors, creating a strong brand engagement with all the guests.

Our efforts were picked up by more than 250 media channels, with favourable commentaries coming from prominent media such as Campaign (“Fairly novel”), as well as praise from specialist industry journals HYPEBEAST and SOLE COLLECTOR, SWAG homme(“Provoke the hidden desire”). Stock is running out at store after store. Of course it hasn’t all been stolen.

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