Cannes Lions



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Case Film






The third Monday of January is Blue Monday: the worst day of the year, according to a mathematical formula.

We contacted the creator of Blue Monday, Cliff Arnall, and we invited him to launch a movement to undermine his own theory, throughout the world, in just one day.

In a press conference in the Canary Islands, he launched the #StopBlueMonday movement, and during that day everytime someone tweeted about the Blue Monday gloominess, he would receive a message from Cliff Arnall's profile with a revitalizing message from the best climate in the world.


We contacted Cliff Arnall, the creator of the Blue Monday formula, after finding out that he wasn't happy about the fact that people had started feeling sad BECAUSE the media told them it was Blue Monday, not the other way round.

After Cliff Arnall agreed to collaborate with us, we shot a video in the Canary Islands so we could use it in our social media during the third Monday of January.

When the 18th arrived, Cliff held the press conference in the Canary Islands and at the same time, our international team of community managers answered the #BlueMonday tweets from Cliff's twitter account with a personalized message and the video that we previously shot.

Also, in order to reinforce our presence in Spain and UK during that day, we appeared in the home pages of The Telegraph, The Guardian and El Mundo.


In just 24 hours:

We appeared in 174 media.

Almost a million views of the video.

The following February, the number of British tourists visiting the Canary Islands was 20'5% higher than the number of tourists from February of 2015.

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