Cannes Lions

Subaru National Parks Zero-Landfill Initiative

CARMICHAEL LYNCH, Minneapolis / SUBARU / 2017

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So, when the National Parks extended their invitation to be the automotive sponsor for their yearlong centennial celebration, we had an idea: Why not do something of much greater value than simply writing a check? Why don't we do what we've done with so many other companies and help make the entire National Park System zero landfill? Much to our surprise, everyone said “yes” and the Subaru National Parks Zero-Landfill Initiative was born.


With everyone on board, we rolled out pilot programs in Yosemite, Grand Teton and Denali national parks.

We then reimagined Subaru's stagnant environmental website as our interactive, zero-landfill hub, created "Who We Are Is What We Leave Behind," a web series documenting the ZL process. We reached out directly to the biggest store in the world,, together inventing Zero-Landfill Shopping, a revolutionary way to make buying minimally packaged goods easier. We partnered with Chimani to replace paper maps with 59 digital apps and reached visitors planning trips through ads on and We partnered with National Geographic to create a groundbreaking online classroom curriculum to inform and inspire our future park visitors and, finally, launched #dontfeedthelandfills, giving a unifying home to environmental-minded activism across the web.


To date, we've successfully concluded the pilot programs in Yosemite, Grand Teton and Denali and begun rolling out the program nationally. Our Zero-Landfill Shopping partnership with generated over $450,000 in sales in less than three months. Traffic to Subaru's environmental site increased over 5000%, more than 3500% to Subaru’s homepage. Web series views have exceeded 17 million and total impressions are 1.5 billion and growing. Our efforts began a deeper conversation with Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and even earned our client an invitation to speak at the United Nations, an event webcast live to over 150 nations, further cementing Subaru's reputation as a true environmental leader.

But more than anything, the initiative has put in place the mechanism to keep billions of pounds of garbage out of the earth and re-establish the National Parks as true environmental stewards and innovators.

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