Cannes Lions


BLUE HIVE, London / FORD / 2014

Case Film






Ford’s remarkable technologies are designed to help people go further.

‘Sumo’ features Door Edge Protectors which are designed to prevent dents and scratches.

It's perhaps not the most exciting part of a car. So to dramatise the feature, we parked a Ford Focus between two cars (outside a busy supermarket) and filmed a pair of Sumo wrestlers trying to get into it.

This naturally involved a lot of door banging and hidden cameras captured the action!


Two ‘large’ people squeezing through partly open car doors would be a great way to demonstrate Ford’s door edge protectors.

But it wasn’t easy finding the right ‘stars’:

1. Our cast had to be big, a bit clumsy and unaware of their physical strength.

2. They should appear physically intimidating, but prove warmhearted and loveable.

3. They should be familiar as characters, but not recognisable like celebrities.

4. Everyone would accept these people as naturally large and admire them for it (not ridiculise them because of it).

5. We shouldn’t appear to be making fun of obesity.

Sumo wrestlers epitomized our ideal cast. However, finding them presented more challenges.

• Even with the best makeup, European actors didn’t look right or move authentically. So the film would have looked like a cheap caricature.

• We discovered a European Sumo league. But again, these guys just weren’t authentic, particularly as many were non-Japanese.

We then decided to search in the capital of casting: Los Angeles.

There we quickly gained access to genuine talent: Sumotori who were trained actors.

But an ancient oath prevented Sumotori acting until they’d retired. So we had to find talent who no longer wrestled professionally, but were still in great shape: by Sumo standards!

As well as the visual spectacle and authenticity these guys brought to the film, they proved as loveable as we’d hoped. They brought smiles to the faces of both the crew and the public – and hugs from almost everyone we’d pranked.

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