Cannes Lions



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To be credible as cool and edgy we needed to do more than simply say, 'Sumol Zero is cool'. Our audience had to believe and so we had to really do something to engage them so they could be part of an 'Alternative Urban Culture' supporting unconventional behaviour. Our idea was to start with a live graffiti art event in one of Lisbon’s trendiest squares. Graffiti on its own isn’t cool or alternative but the prospect of creating it with artists and producing original artwork for a campaign was. We commissioned graffiti artists to set up an open air gallery and invited consumers to create artwork intended to become the creative work for a 'major impact' 6-sheet campaign targeting urban 25 year olds. Underground DJs were commissioned to create a live soundtrack for the event- a specially created combination of soul and funk designed to appeal to open minds.


The entire event was filmed to provide content for post-event viral campaigns, outdoor, radio and the 'Sumol Summer Festival'. A painted car toured Lisbon as a driving prize to Sumol customers through a brand web site competition, also supported on radio.An event for 3000 people produced artwork for an outdoor campaign reaching 2.6 million of our audience with viral reaching further still. Over 5000 cans were consumed meaning participants stayed to drink 2 or 3. The Sumol Summer Fest brought it to an additional 20,000 and Sumol Zero saw an incredible year-on-year sales increase of 38%.

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