Cannes Lions
1.We created an interactive survey so mums can realise how much they do every day, driving social commerce by rewarding mums with vouchers for P&G products they chose.2.We hit the road, visiting UK mums who’d invited us to their homes to co-create an app to help mums get their to-do lists done.3.We launched Mission Control, the to-do list app made by mums, for mums. Using the social principles of gamification, stickers reward mums for tips, advice, and tasks completed, making chores fun, addictive and communal. The more a user participates, and the deeper their engagement, the more they are rewarded. Stickers are tradeable for P&G product coupons, driving the cycle of creating and sharing content.
We knew busy mums go online daily, but in short bursts, so designed Mission Control with this multi-tasking behavior in mind: always on, instant solutions, easy navigation, valuable rewards.
Mission Control became a Facebook Phenomenon. In the first two weeks of launch 52,872 tips were shared, nearly 10,000 questions were asked, and 33,000 comments were posted to help answer them. Nearly 24,000 to-do list items were added, with an amazing average dwell time of over 18 minutes and 51% repeat visitors. Over 35,000 stickers were unlocked and swapped for over 33,000 coupons creating a huge peak in sales and cementing P&G’s relevance in helping mum get more things done.
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