Cannes Lions


STORIES, Zurich / DENNER / 2015







Upon waking up this morning, Philippe, a winemaker from the Swiss Lavaux region, is worried: His wife of decades, always still asleep next to him at this time of day, is not in bed. Nor can he find her on the property anywhere. Concerned, he loads his car to carry out the daily wine deliveries to the village’s shops and restaurants. But neither in the bistro, the butchery nor the anywhere else can he find anyone. The village square is vacated, and the only sign of life is a truck pulling out of a driveway behind Philippe. Frustrated and slightly irritated he leaves the wine boxes on porches and bars and makes his way back to his house. When he gets slowed down by a policeman’s road deviation and a herd of cows on the road, his patience in drawn. Back home he finds his wife, all excited. When Philippe tries to tell her the weird goings on in the village, she pulls him close and whispers in his ear: “Nina Hug from Chur gave 5 stars to your wine”. Behind her the whole village has gathered and celebrate Philippe and his wine.

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