Cannes Lions

Sustainable Packaging Platform

VERSUNI, Amsterdam / PHILIPS / 2024

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Sustainability is no longer a nice-to-have, but rather a must-have. And consumers expect actions from brands.

Packaging contributes significantly to a brand's sustainable image, but its role is transforming, especially as the Covid era has significantly boosted online shopping habits. Despite this shift, retail still represents 50% of Philips' home appliance sales globally, varying from region to region.

Therefore, we were inspired to create a Global Sustainable Packaging Platform that brings efficiency, can be omnichannel and works in a retail environment on par with current packaging. This platform should cover the wide range of Philips products sold +130 countries, across different channels and price points.

We scoped the project in 7 different workflows:

1. Sustainable Look & Feel

2. Reduction and standardization of inbox materials

3. DFU online

4. Elimination of plastic bags

5. SKU reduction

6. New legal business entity update

7. Online registration and digital journey


Versuni's purpose is to Transform Houses into Homes, a place where you can truly call your own and be yourself. Each of our innovations is designed to make life at home better, easier and healthier for consumers around the world. And sustainability is one of Versuni's strategic pillars.

The creative idea combines the company's purpose into a sustainable platform. We highlight the product on a home background and instead of long text, images of the product in use explain key features. 100% recycled brown paper is visible and a subtle and unique frame sets us apart from the competition, strengthening Philips' identity on shelf. It's simple, clean and effective. The solution considers the new role of packaging and simplifies consumer choice and company logistics. It facilitates users' digital journey, with an eye on the future, without forgetting current consumers.

This holistic approach to packaging design combines aesthetics, functionality and eco-friendliness.


Each Philips Domestic Appliances product now resides in a 100% recycled brown box, boasting a substantial 65% reduction in ink usage. This eco-conscious packaging strategy spans our entire range, using innovative printing on kraft paper to combine recyclability with visual appeal.

Each panel of our packaging tells a part of our story. The front emphasizes our "Turning Houses into Homes" ethos, the sides detail product’s features and our commitment to recycled paper, while the top and back showcase the Philips quality and provide additional product views.

A QR code on the packaging initiates a digital setup journey, reducing the need for extensive inside-box printed materials.

Our redesign introduces a Universal package with global information for efficient worldwide distribution, significantly reducing stock needs and enhancing supply chain efficiency.

We've also transitioned from plastic bags to more sustainable paper solutions and it's designed for size efficiency, further aligning with our environmental goals.


This packaging redesign is not only a functional improvement but also a visual statement of the dedication to sustainability. It represents the first time a major brand has revamped its entire product portfolio with a combined packaging platform and digital journey.

The sustainable packaging initiative encompasses several key achievements:

• Sustainable packaging: Utilizing 100% recycled and recyclable paper, reducing ink usage by 65%, plastic bags replaced by paper solutions and more efficient packaging sizes.

• Consumer Preference: Through testing, our packaging approach has shown a preference over competitors.

• Universal Packaging: Creating supply-chain efficiency and inventory reduction.

• Digital Journey: Significantly reducing printed inbox material.

In summary, the redesigned packaging not only stands out on the shelf but also resonates with the vision of "Turning houses into homes," while making a significant contribution to environmental sustainability.

This is a holistic approach to packaging design, which combines aesthetics, functionality, and eco-friendliness.

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