Cannes Lions


RUF LANZ, Zurich / SWISS MILK / 2014

Presentation Image
Presentation Image
Case Film






The challenge:

Active people are hard to reach at home on the sofa. That’s why we positioned the advertising in hot spots where our target group goes skiing, snowboarding, walking or trekking: in the Swiss mountains, at an altitude of 4,200 m.


Media Execution:

Active people are hard to reach at home on the sofa. That’s why we placed advertising boards at numerous cable car stations in the Swiss mountains - during high-season for skiing, snowboarding, walking and trekking. Each board was exactly adjusted to match the surroundings. The effect: a single cow is pulling a heavy cable car line.


The results:

Using advertising boards and their surroundings in a new way made the campaign a topic of conversation in the Swiss sport areas. But not only there: thousands of posts were also published and shared on social media platforms. Newspapers and magazines reported on it and multiplied the advertising effect.

Please watch the movie.

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