Spikes Asia

Take A Baby Step Into Parenting (Hose)

COLENSO BBDO, Auckland / MARS / 2021


1 Bronze Spikes Asia






Pedigree ‘Baby Steps’ lovingly assisted people to delay their parenting plans, and adopt a dog instead. The campaign launched with films featuring exchanges between new ‘parents’ where one party, unbeknownst to the other, is referring to their dog-child instead. In ‘Café’, a conversation unfolds between two mothers. One looks exhausted after attempting to feed her child. With food all over herself and her baby, she looks to the other mother for empathy. Instead, she reveals that she uses the hose to clean her child – much to the original mother’s surprise. As the film continues, the hose-mother redeems herself as we see her spraying down her child in the backyard – who turns out to be a dog. With this context, her unusual parenting style is forgiven, and the advantages of dogs over babies become clear. That’s when the viewer is invited to start their family, with a dog.

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