Cannes Lions

Tastes Just Like Us

HUNGRY MAN, Los Angeles / SNAPPLE / 2019







In the American beverage category, differentiation isn’t a ‘nice to have.’ It’s essential to survival. Gen Z’s lack of Snapple familiarity in combination with their microscopic attention span and penchant for off-the-wall humor made breaking through with this older, typically friendly brand a particularly difficult challenge. This young, fickle audience needs a clear, sticky why-to-buy and a sharp cultural hook to even consider your brand. So we zeroed in on the truest, weirdest thing we’ve got: our flavors taste more like the fruit than the actual fruit. To drive the point home, we used the best fruit-flavor experts we could find and made them drink themselves in a carnivorous turn of events. The macabre comedy in combination with Snapple’s innate quirk was the perfectly bizarre introduction this new generation of drinkers needed to make a lasting impression.


There are dozens of so-called fruit-flavored beverages on the market, but most of them don’t taste all that much like fruit. So we set out to distinguish Snapple from the competition by touting the remarkable accuracy of our fruit flavors. To bring the idea to life, we created Snapple Fruit Flavor Accuracy Tests. Human-sized fruits sampled Snapple for themselves, then decided whether or not we nailed their flavors. Four out of four mangoes agree, Snapple’s doing a bang-up job.

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