Cannes Lions



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Case Film
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Durex has always been known for “Safe Sex”. But “Safe Sex” is associated with thicker latex - blocking the “Real Feeling”! This put off young men in Hong Kong who turned to Okamoto, who outspent Durex by 45%*!

We had to restore their affection for Durex by moving the brand perception from SAFE SEX to “LOVE SEX”.

But… communicating sex pleasure is crude in Chinese culture! So we engaged young men with a subject dear to their heart, without embarrassing them for experiencing with the pleasures Durex’s variants provide.

During a soccer match, young men are emotionally available; they drink up …and desire sex more! With their viewing habit in mind, we leveraged mobile to connect with them personally.

Tapping into the widely anticipated “Euro 2012 Soccer Games”, we created TEAM DUREX, a mobile game that brought “Play Sex” excitement onto the soccer field right at their fingertips.

Players ‘flicked’ their finger to soccer a ball across the field, exploring different positions to ‘score’, and could choose the player who best represented their personal strengths…and techniques! “Fetherlite Ultra” has the lightest body with flexible limbs to master a goal; or “PleasureMax” has the unique ‘rib’ structure ready for a great precision! And if they’re feeling up to the beat, they could choose “Performa” for a greater stimulation!

For a lasting pleasure, players could exchange their points for Durex’s HIDDEN pleasures by unlocking additional gizmos to further enhance their sensual experience. The ‘Power Drink’ boosts their kick for an easier goal…or the ‘Vibrating Ring’ controls their pace and strength and many more to ‘intensify’ their feelings!

Young men could even show off their ‘expertise’ and brag about their ‘skills’ by sharing their record-high scores on a Facebook leaderboard for their buddies to see! And open up challenges against another player...or form their own team(s) in the multi-player game mode!

In JUST 4 weeks, ‘Team Durex’ achieved more than 3,500 mobile app downloads, that’s 125 new players a day!

Incredibly engaging and addictive, players played 12.9 times on average! The top player conquered almost 18 million points, that’s around 8,800 kicks!

In addition to arousing young men’s desire to LOVE sex, we attracted more than 4,900 players to become buddies (fans) with Durex on Facebook!

When young men recall their ‘sensual’ experience and ‘addictive’ enjoyment from playing ‘Team Durex’, we bring them CLOSER to Durex!

Source : admango, iTunes and Android.


During a soccer match, young men are emotionally available; they drink up and desire sex more!

Tapping into the widely anticipated 'Euro 2012 Soccer Games', we created TEAM DUREX, a mobile soccer game that brought 'Play Sex' excitement onto the soccer field at young men’s fingertips.

Players ‘flicked’ their finger to soccer a ball, and explored different positions to get a ‘score’. They could choose the players who best represented their personal strengths and techniques such as 'Fetherlite Ultra', 'PleasureMax' and 'Performa'.

For a lasting pleasure, players could exchange their points for HIDDEN pleasures, unlocking additional gizmos to further enhance their sensual experience with ‘Power Drink’, ‘Vibrating Ring’ and many more.

They could even show off their ‘expertise’ by sharing their record-high scores on Facebook, and open up challenges against another player in the multi-player game mode!


In JUST 4 weeks, ‘Team Durex’ achieved more than 3,500 mobile app downloads, that’s 125 new players a day!

Incredibly engaging and addictive, players played 12.9 times on average! The top player even conquered almost 18 million points, that’s around 8,800 kicks!

In addition to arousing young men’s desire to LOVE sex, we attracted more than 4,900 players to become buddies (fans) with Durex on Facebook!

When young men recall their ‘sensual’ experience and ‘addictive’ enjoyment from playing ‘Team Durex’, we bring them CLOSER to Durex!

Source: admango, iTunes and Android.

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