Cannes Lions


THE GLUE SOCIETY, Sydney / ABC / 2007


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions






The Australian satirical comedy show, ‘The Chaser's War on Everything’ could only afford to advertise their new season on the world's cheapest billboards. So that's what they did. They advertised in Kenya, Estonia, Iceland, India and Iraq. Photographs and videos of the ridiculous billboards then spread through media, the internet and were aired on television.The billboards also directed people to a website where they could view (via webcam) a live countdown, staffed in shifts by 200 volunteers, counting down for 24 hours a day, for the two weeks leading up to the first episode.


Firstly we erected the billboards, then published photographs and video footage of the sites on the Chaser website. Next photographs and videos were sent out virally. Footage of the billboards was then televised on the ABC promoting the show. A media press release was supplied, who published photographs of the billboards in all the major newspapers. The billboards were then discussed in radio interviews and extensively online. Simultaneously, we launched the live countdown online. We launched a print and web drive for 200 volunteers. Press and radio covered the fortnight event. The final ten seconds were televised before the show.

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