
Tents Of Hope

HAVAS, Madrid / ACCEM / 2023

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Case Film
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Imagine that tomorrow you must leave your country due to war or persecution based on your sexual identity or ideology. Suddenly, people stop seeing you as a Creative Director or Chief Marketing Officer and only see you as a "refugee."

This is what has happened to 130 million people in the world. Over 60,000 arrived in Spain last year seeking refuge and a new opportunity. Despite their experience and high education, most only find temporary and low-skilled jobs.

The brief: Create a campaign to make visible the talent and potential of refugees and help them find work opportunities that match their skills.

Objectives: The campaign's main objective is to change the perception of refugees as a burden and showcase their potential. Another goal is to connect refugees with employers and create work opportunities.


Our goal was to highlight the hidden talents of refugees and change negative perceptions about them in the job market. To achieve this, we printed hundreds of CVs of refugees on the fabric of the tents they lived in. Then, we sent those CVs to the most important companies in the country. This approach showcases their talents and captures the attention of HR managers and companies, our primary target audience. By using the actual fabric from the refugee camps, we aim to draw attention to the fact that there is more potential beneath the surface of their status. Our idea challenges negative stereotypes and allows refugees to showcase their abilities.


The Tents of Hope campaign's strategy involved gathering data about refugees' skills and work experience to create and print their CVs on tents in refugee camps. The campaign targeted potential employers by directly sending the CVs to companies, including HR directors and recruiters. The call to action was for employers to recognise the skills and potential of refugees and consider them as candidates for employment. The approach combines tangible marketing materials with a social cause to create a strong impact. By directly targeting potential employers, the campaign aimed to change their perceptions of refugees and encourage them to take action by offering employment opportunities. Overall, the strategy effectively used direct marketing to create social change and generate positive outcomes for refugees


We used real fabric from refugee camp tents to print the CVs of individuals who lived in them. These CVs were then distributed to Human Resource Managers at leading companies in the country. The campaign was designed to raise awareness of refugees' skills and potential and encourage companies to hire them. In addition, the tents were used as a powerful symbol of the hardships refugees face and the potential they have to offer. The scale of the campaign was significant, with hundreds of CVs being printed and distributed to companies across the country.


The campaign not only raised awareness and changed the perception of refugees among the target audience but also had a tangible impact on the lives of the refugees involved. By showcasing their skills and talents through the CVs displayed on the tents, several refugees were able to secure employment opportunities with partnering organisations. This helped break down the stigma surrounding refugees and highlight their value and potential in their new communities.

- Hundreds of CVs were sent.

- Reach: 1 million.

- Impressions: +30 million.

- Earn media: +298.000€

- Views: +625.000

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9 items


HAVAS, Madrid


2023, ACCEM

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