Dubai Lynx

Thank you Russia

TBWA\RAAD, Beirut / LADA / 2020


1 Grand Prix Dubai Lynx
Presentation Image
Case Film






For the people of Lebanon, recent past events have made life even harder than before, and it is anything but a smooth ride – both on, and off the roads.

When people aren’t maneuvering their cars around giant potholes the size of bathtubs, they are wondering when the government may decide at random to cut salaries and deny people access to their own money from the bank.

For Lada, a robust beast of a car that is usually spotted in areas with rocky roads such as the mountains, there was an opportunity to turn the pitfalls (and potholes) of the Lebanese government into something positive. Turning apathy into action, Lada used the situation created be the government to relaunch their vehicle.

The relaunch needed to showcase the car’s durability, toughness as well as its affordability, particularly to people who may not have given it a second look in normal circumstances.


While owned by Renault in the region, Lada cars are made in Russia, and come from Russia (no doubt with love).

Building on the previous ‘Thank you Qatar’ campaigns that overwhelmed the Lebanese scenery every time the government of Qatar injected money in the Lebanese economy, we decided this time to build the campaign around Russia. This campaign involved thanking Russia for the beast that could conquer any pothole, any cracked or flooded road, and any pavement - the Lada.

We created the “Thank you Russia” campaign that intrigued the government, every politician and every citizen.


If we wanted people to see themselves just how tough a Lada is and what it can do, we would need a tough approach, and the approach we decided on was some tough lough –directed (indirectly) towards the Lebanese government.

From many past campaigns that have been aimed at the Lebanese government, we know that the only thing they love more than making excuses, is themselves. And when they aren’t feeling “the love,” and the attention is on someone else who is doing what they are supposed to be doing, they take notice.

Taking notice for the Lebanese government usually involves creating as much “positive” press for themselves as possible (and whoever does their PR will undoubtedly be working overtime when this happens –something we would take advantage of for our own PR agenda).

Therefore, we decided to share the love…with another government: the one that brought us the Lada.


The campaign launched with outdoor billboards comprised of a single line: Thank you Russia, with the colours of the Russian flag in the background.

Met with confusion from citizens, and outrage from the government, the first part of the campaign had created enough of a stir to get people talking. When the conversation reached a fever pitch, it was time for the big reveal.

A television commercial was launched with ordinary Lebanese citizens thanking Russia for the Lada. Each time, they would thank Russia for a car that could overcome the various challenges (such as the potholes and financial uncertainty) being faced by Lebanese people.

And finally satisfied Lada drivers sent gifts that are traditionally associated with Lebanese culture (including fresh thyme and jallab juice) all the way to the people of Russia. This was documented across various social media platforms, including the reactions from pleasantly surprised Russians.


After the initial launch of the campaign, Lada showrooms in Lebanon ran out of stock, and the car quickly became one of the most prominent cars seen driving across Lebanon.

Coincidently, a short while after the campaign aired, a number of senior government officials resigned… Even though this wasn't a result of our campaign, it played to our advantage and amplified our message through social media memes.

The online sentiment for Lada in Lebanon registered an 80% increase of the positive sentiment (Crimson Hexagon).

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