Cannes Lions

The 6 sec launch


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In Sweden, Lidl has a significantly smaller market share (6%) and a smaller media budget than their main competitors.

The brief was to launch Lidl Sweden's own brand/label Matriket on the Swedish food market. A brand with hundreds of products that are grown and produced in Sweden. A strategically important launch to get more Swedes to discover and appreciate Lidl.

The big challenge was to create a campaign that got the attention and the media frequency necessary to reach all the target groups.


Lidl Sweden has a significantly smaller market share and a smaller media budget than their main competitors. To make the most out of every penny, every second of bought media, we decided to let the shortest format become the hero of the campaign.

With a bigger focus on shorter formats, and a creative idea adapted to the shortest format, we could allocate more of the budget on shorter/cheaper formats.

The spectacular 6 second video approach made a big bang on the Swedish market, creating attention and increasing media frequency.


The launch of the new label Matriket on the Swedish market made high demands on quickly reaching out and getting the right attention and media frequency. The challenge was to succeed with a small media budget in comparison to the main competitors. Our approach was to allocate more of the budget on shorter/digital video formats and adapt the creative solution to the shorter media format.


We reversed the traditional media strategy and let the shortest film format become the hero of the campaign. The spectacular 6 sec film was recorded in real time, everything in the film was done by hand, a genuine craftsmanship, down to the smallest detail. Just like the goods that the Swedish farmers and farms produce for Matriket.

The 6 second film allowed a media strategy where more of the budget could be allocated on shorter/digital formats like Youtube, Facebook and Instagram. Curious viewers could then click themselves from the 6s film to a slow mo version of the film and see all the intricate details.


The 6 second launch made a big bang on the Swedish food market. Without any prior knowledge about the brand Matriket within the target group, the campaign hit all time high in every attribute it conveys. Message comprehension was as high as 63% and as many as 53% took action after viewing the campaign – either by buying the goods, telling friends and family about it and/or actively finding out more facts – which is 24 percentage points above benchmark.

Took Action 53%

Agency's benchmark 29%

+24 percentage points above benchmark

Sender Identification 63%

Agency's benchmark 41%

+22 percentage points above benchmark

Liking 58%

Agency's benchmark 39%

+19 percentage points above benchmark

Turnover for goods labeled Matriket increased by 20%. Above all. During the campaign period, the rest of the Swedish food market grew by an average of 8.7%. Lidl Sweden grew by an incredible 21.9%.

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